There are a lot of choices for hairpin legs, but not all hairpin legs are the same. Quality, appearance and price vary with each manufacturer. We have compared's 28" 2rod and 3rod raw steel hairpin legs with another company's, which we have labeled as "other".

Bend Radius/Overall Appearance
- offers a tighter bend radius which is more authentic to the original hairpin legs made popular in the 40s
- Sleeker, modern, more high-end look

Manufactured In House = Higher Quality and Faster Lead Times
- Our products are made in-house in our shop in Columbus, Ohio, rather than outsourcing, ensuring you will receive a consistent, high-quality product.
- Shipping lead time for is same day or within one business day. Shipping lead time for the "other" company is 5-7 business days.

Sturdier, Thicker Mounting Plate
-'s hairpin legs have a thicker, stiffer mounting plate, for a more secure mount
- Our plates have larger mounting holes which allow for a better quality screw. Stronger screws = more secure mounting
- We TIG weld (the "other" legs are MIG welded). TIG welding provides cleaner, more consistent welds.
- Our rounded corner mounting plate offers ease of installation on inset applications

Finally, let's talk price. We sell and price our hairpin legs individually, but for comparison purposes, the prices below are for a set of four legs. offers a better quality leg for a lower price.
Product | | Other |
2rod raw steel (set of 4) | $47 | $48.99 |
3rod raw steel (set of 4) | $57 |
$58.99 |
At, we have been fabricating hairpin legs since 2005 and we believe we offer the best priced, most authentic and high-quality products on the market and we hope you agree!